Tuesday 15 December 2009

Romanian Scale

The last main scale I'll cover is the romanian sclae. I like this one. It's a minor scale and uses a sharpened 4th and flattened 7th to create a distinctly ominous atmosphere.
Above is a simple scale.

Byzantine Scale

To create this scale simply flatten the 2nd and 6th of the scale. You keep the 7th at its natural state meaning there is three semi-tones between the 6 and 7.

Jewish Scale! (Spanish Gypsy)

The scale above is a Jewish or spanish gypsy scale. This scale is made by lowering the 2nd and 6th of the chord.

Monday 14 December 2009

Hungarian Minor Scale (Double Harmonic Minor)

Another scale used throughout metal is the hungarian minor sclae or double harmonic minor scale. It is the same as a harmonic minor except you raise the fourth. Overall to create this scale you lower the 3rd and 6th of the scale. You then raise the fourth. This scale has a large number of half steps which gives it it's tone.

Here is a simple scale.

e |--7--8-----10--11--
B |--7--8--9----------
G |--7--8-------------
D |--------9--10------
A |--------9--10--11--
E |-----8-----10--11--

Thursday 10 December 2009

Harmonic Minor Scale

The harmonic minor is a perfect scale for shredding, sweep picking or tapping. Today it is commonly used in metal - before it was used in jazz and classical music. Paul Gilbert is renowned for using this scale throughout his work.

A harmonic minor scale is created by lowering the 3rd and 6th of the scale. This now creates 3 semitones between the 6 and the 7 - giving it a more eastern sound.

Above is a simple example of a harmonic minor scale.